It's a relief knowing all these games will be masterpieces. So is Dying Light 2, due out next year, along with Doom Eternal, Crusader Kings 3, and even Frog Detective 2: The Case of the Invisible Wizard. Did you know Cyberpunk 2077 and Half-Life: Alyx are masterpieces? Now you do. Masterpiece is also used liberally by my absolute favorite type of gamer, the ones who have decided a game is great before it's even been released. And why should a game need to make you mull over important issues or reexamine your own morals to be considered a masterpiece? A great game is a great game, whether it's The Wolf Among Us or a sim about fixing cars. But it's also an extremely good game with thousands of glowing, positive reviews. At first that feels like a joke: it's a game about fixing cars, not a deep, story-driven experience delving into the true nature of humanity. Car Mechanic Simulator Complete Edition 2014 is a masterpiece, according to Steam users. Some uses of the Masterpiece tag are tougher to figure out. A great game is a great game, whether it's The Wolf Among Us or a sim about fixing cars.